Anderson, James (Ansturther) 1845


Ansturther的James Anderson曾是一个铁匠。1860年他开始制作专业高尔夫球杆。到1880年他制作的高尔夫球杆已经大受欢迎,于是他开始专心只制作高尔夫球杆。Anderson成为历史上最重要的高尔夫球杆制作者,很多著名的球杆制作者都曾是他的学徒(包括:George Forester 和 Robert Condie)。当他于1895年过世,他的儿子小James接手了公司。公司的生意在第二次世界大战前都很成功。



The business of this famous club maker was founded in the early 1860’s by James Anderson (b.1845) who originally started as a blacksmith and farrier. From the outset he produced quality iron heads supplying club makers within the Fife area before eventually producing heads for his own sale.

Before his death in 1895 he had patented his first club, a putting cleek named the ‘Kurtos’. By the early 1890’s he was making and supplying cleeks to Forrester, Carruther’s, F.H.Ayes and Willie Park jnr. He is also credited for designing the ‘diamond back’ cleek and produced many cleeks during the early 1890’s with this design.
Upon his death in 1895 his son Alexander took charge of the business and not only continued producing quality heads but also expanded the output making 100’s of thousands each year exporting many around the world especially to America.

Anderson of Anstruther cleeks can be recognised by their circle mark with Anderson Anstruther stamped inside. The original mark was introduced by James around 1875 and was used until he died in 1895. His son Alex changed the mark in the late 1890’s to a larger double circle design which was used for about 15 years before reverting back to the single stamped inside. The original mark was introduced by James around 1875 and was used until he died in 1895. His son Alex changed the mark in the late 1890’s to a larger double circle design which was used for about 15 years before reverting back to the single circle design but slightly larger. He also added a small pattern in the centre of the circle. Around 1908 he also introduced the now famous ‘Arrow’ mark not to be confused with other club makers who used an arrow with the word ’Accurate’. His was a plain arrow that always pointed to the toe of the head.
The company continued to be successful before finally closing down in the late 1930’s.



主页 5个标志性时期 高尔夫球发展 高尔夫球杆发展 高尔夫相关纪事 著名球杆制造商 美国高尔夫发展史