Cann&Taylor (Sheen, Surrey)


Cann &  Taylor ( 位于Sheen, Surrey): JH Taylor 传奇性地5次赢得公开赛,并且拥有与他的专业搭档George  Cann合作的成功的高尔夫球杆制作生意。他们在1894年开始生产并迅速扩张。他们著名的五号铁头球杆因Taylor使用它赢得公开赛而一举成名并且热销。与许多其它的公司相似,这家公司在1939年二战前停产。


A company formed by J H Taylor, the five-times Open Champion  and George Cann the Scottish club designer. Lots of innovation from them: the use of oak in making clubs; spring-faced clubs; the "billiard cushion" putter.

Peter Georgiady notes the adoption of American business ideas by Cann when he moved to the US. J H Taylor recognised the value of branding very early on, producing the first autograph clubs in 1898 and registering his signature as a trademark in 1908.


J H Taylor

J H Taylor John Henry Taylor, known with Braid and Vardon as The Great Triumvirate, was born in Northam, near Westward Ho, on 19 March 1871 and died, a month short of 92, in 1963. He left school at 11 and, at 20, was pro and greenkeeper at Burnham and Berrow. He first entered the Open in 1893 and the following year, at Sandwich, the first time the competition was played outside Scotland, he won by five strokes. He won again at St Andrews the following year and ended with five Open victories, conquering again in 1900, 1909 and 1913. 1900 also saw him as runner-up to Harry Vardon in the US Open. He took over from Andrew Kirkaldy at Royal Winchester in 1892, moved to Royal Wimbledon in 1896 but spent the longest part of his career at Royal Mid Surrey, from 1899 until his retirement in 1946.

During his long career many honours were bestowed upon him and describing his work in helping establish the PGA, that doyen of golf writers, Bernard Darwin, wrote that he 'had turned a feckless company into a self-respecting and respected body of men'.

All the published photographs of him seem to be of an older man with heavy moustache. Here is a much earlier one from 1894, the year of his first Open Championship success.

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