AH Scott (Elie)1875


Elie的Scott AH 是George  Forrester的一个学徒的表兄弟。在1894年他因为他的专利-不会断的木杆而出名。在1902年,像Forgan一样,他以皇家委任作为标识:开始时Wales王子的三根羽毛标示,后来1908年是皇冠和狮子。


Elie and Earlsferry
A H Scott Born in Earlsferry in 1875, Andrew Herd Scott caddied in Elie as a boy. He was a nephew of the great clubmaker, George Forrester, with whom he served his apprenticeship and worked under Charles Hunter at Prestwick also before opening his own business in Elie.

He was a fine player too and Harry Vardon came to Elie to play against, 'A H Scott, of Earlsferry, one of the young school of professionals who now and again astonishes the world by his dexterous use of the golf club' in 1899. The world was not astonished on this occasion, a crowd of around 3000 watched Vardon win 10 and 9 in the two round match.

Best known for his Straightline putter of 1899 and his patented (number 21,403) 'Fork Splice' unbreakable neck wood of 1895. He received a royal warrant from King George V and so incorporated the crown within his cleek mark. At least three variations of this are known, a four-pointed star supporting a crown with a lion on top, the crown and lion only, and the lion alone.

On the strength of his royal appointment, he announced the opening of a new shop in Burntisland in the Edinburgh Evening News of 21 April 1905 offering 慳 fine selection of golf clubs and all kinds of rubber-cored balls with repairs executed by an expert clubmake

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