


羽毛制高尔夫球制造商Allan Robertson是当时一位伟大的高尔夫球手。正是由于他超凡的天赋,他的同伴们禁止他参与1842年的赌金比赛。在1843、1844、1846年三次与Willie Dunn的传奇比赛中,他只输掉了一场。



而随后闻名的知名高尔夫球手包括马瑟尔堡的Tom Morris Senior和Willie Park,他们两人之间也有过多次较量。





July 29th to 31st, Grand National Golf Club Tournament at St Andrews, a foursomes competition which had been proposed by Prestwick Golf Club. This competition was the first in which the golfing societies of the kingdom were pitted against one another', making it the world's first formal inter-club competition. Clubs present were Bruntsfield Links, Edinburgh Burgess, Innerleven, Montrose Royal Albert, Musselburgh, North Berwick, Prestwick, Royal & Ancient St Andrews, Royal Blackheath, Royal Perth and Dirleton Castle. (The Honourable Company and Panmure were also invited but scratched). Dirleton Castle G.C. was represented by William Carse and Robert Bertram. The winners were Royal Blackheath G.C. who beat the Royal & Ancient in the final.











Grand National Golf Club Tournament




Photograph taken at St Andrews, in front of the three year old R&A clubhouse, of competitors in the historic Grand National Golf Club Tournament in which Dirleton Castle had been invited to compete. This event took place from 29th to 31st July 1857.




Standing at back: Tom Morris, Allan Robertson (Professionals, not playing), Unknown.


Standing L to R: R. Chambers (Musselburgh), J.Dunn, R. Clark (both Bruntsfield Links), W.C. Thomson (R&A), W. Marjoribanks (Musselburgh), O.G. Campbell (North Berwick), W.M. Dougall (R&A), M.S. Thomson,?. Cowie (both Montrose Royal Albert), P.Hay (North Berwick), J.O. Fairlie (Prestwick), Sir Thomas Moncrieffe (Royal Perth), G. Glennie (Royal Blackheath), J. Williamson, J. Martin (both Edinburgh Burgess), D. Wallace, D. Marshall (both Innerleven), Robert Bertram, William Carse (both Dirleton Castle).


Seated: W. Hamilton (Prestwick), Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair (Umpire), J.W. Melville (Convenor), J.C. Stewart (Royal Blackheath), J. Condie (Royal Perth).

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