皇家加尔各答Calcutta 1829




无论是提到印度的高尔夫球史,还是世界的高尔夫球史,这个叫做皇家加尔各答高尔夫俱乐部的球场都是不容跳过的。它是印度最老的球场,落成于1829 年,也是英国以外的国家里最早的高尔夫俱乐部,这要“归功”于当时英国对印度的殖民统治。也就是说,当美国境内第一次出现高尔夫球场的时候(1888 年),印度人实际上已经在自己的地盘上玩了六十年的白色小球。


皇家加尔各答高尔夫俱乐部原来并不是在目前这个地方,而是位于加尔各答机场(Calcutta airport)附近,随后搬到Maidan,最后才于1910年在现在的T足球论坛站 稳了脚跟。球场的前身是一大片稻田,因此整座球场给人的感觉非常平坦,上面的土墩、成千上百的树木都是日后人工弄上去的。不过,这个球场的另一个显著特点 是有许多天然的水路,形成富有挑战的障碍,考验打球者的策略。而且由于球场有一定的年月,果岭虽然也符合现代的标准,但整体偏小,更增加了击球落水的可能 性。

许多人初到这里,觉得场地平坦,从而放松警惕,实际上危机四伏。最典型的是10号洞,这个长457码的4杆洞,竟然架在两道很大的水槽上;打 第一杆尤其辛苦,因为第一道水槽就横在前面,你至少要打出230码才能安全着陆,接着前面还有一个100码宽的水槽,更可恶的是,果岭与水槽之间的空间极 小,且果岭又较小,很容易就打飞了。所以,千万别小看了老球场。

接着,还有一点历史要说。成立之初,球场只是叫加尔各答高尔夫俱乐部。1911 年,为纪念国王乔治四世和玛丽王后对加尔各答的访问,他们授予俱乐部“Royal”(皇家)头衔。这个“Royal”代表贵族、高人一等,今天在英国以外 的地方已很稀罕,只在澳大利亚墨尔本、斯里兰卡开伦坡和印度加尔各答,才还有当年英国皇族赏识而赐封皇家名号的高尔夫球场。而且,在印度的高尔夫史上,皇 家加尔各答高尔夫俱乐部也不仅仅是一个球场那么简单。印度高尔夫联盟(Indian Golf Union,1955年成立)出现之前,它一直担任着印度高尔夫领导者的角色,负责执行皇家古典俱乐部所制定的高尔夫规则。(文/ 阿祖若)
举办大赛:All-India Amateur Championship


Royal Calcutta Golf Club affectionately known as the "Royal" is synonymous with the game of golf in this country. Founded in 1829, Royal is the oldest golf club outside the British Isles, the oldest being the Royal and Ancient, St. Andrews in Scotland, the home of golf. The Royal truly has a history that would be a treasure for the archives of the game of golf.

Originally located near the Calcutta airport, the club moved to the Maidan and finally to its present location at Tollygunge in 1910. Meant exclusively for the use of gentlemen, ladies were very reluctantly admitted to the club in 1886, when the committee voted 43 against 13 on the condition that female members be allowed to use the course only in the mornings.

In 1911, the club was honoured by King George V and Queen Mary, who conferred on it, the title of "Royal" to commemorate their visit to Calcutta. Much of the memorabilia connected with the history of the club is still preserved in the club house.
The country over which the Royal Calcutta course is laid, was originally paddy fields, and the course is consequently very underlating. Successive committees have built mounds and planted thousands of trees and shrubs. But the Royal's conspicuous features are its strategically located water tanks and natural water hazards. The most significant are the two large tanks across the seventh fairway, a 457 yards, par four hole. From the tee, the tiger line is over the first tank and must carry all of 230 yards safer route to the right which leaves a very long second shot over the second tank, a good 100 yards wide, to a small undulating green wickedly trapped all around. The out-of-boundary wall dangerously hugs the entire left flank of this hole.
Greens at Royal are quite large by modern standards and their undulations make them tricky and there is a little nap. Its strength lies in its par fours and to score, requires good, long and medium irons.
The Royal Calcutta also has a Bowling Green section, founded in the early 18th century. Bowling has become a very popular sport and numerous competitions are now staged attracting a large number of participants. Here members can indulge in their woods along the grass in an attempt to get close to 'jack' the little white ball immortalised by Sir Francis rake.

No records are available until 1874. After that, however all records have been preserved. Cups, Medals and Trophies were presented to and exchanged between the Royal and Golf Club of Madras, Bangalore as well as other clubs abroad. Notable among them are the Silver Cashmere Cup presented to the Royal and Ancient St. Andrews where the first Calcutta Cup was played in 1885.

The epithet "Royal" was conferred upon the Calcutta Golf Club by George V at the Delhi Durbar in 1911. In a minute dated 8th February, 1876, it is recorded that playing for the Royal Blackhealth Medal, a Cup valued Rs. 25/- and a golf set priced at Rs. 9/- were given away as prizes. The expenses for running the club were Rs. 720/- as salaries for servants for twelve months, Rs. 100/- for sundry expenses and the estimated stock of liquor at the closing of accounts was Rs. 200/- which must have represented quite an extensive cellar.
The Maidan Pavilion was opened some time in January, 1885 and a fine bowling green was laid down in 1887-88. The first Amateur Golf Championship of India was held at the Royal during Christmas in the year, 1892 with players from Ceylon, Burma, Penang & Singapore taking part. While the registered office of the Club continues to be at the Maidan, the work on the course at the present location, started in 1908 and all 18 holes were opened for play in 1912. Membership of the Club stood at 420 in 1892, 1770 in 1931 and stands at over 2900 today. A milestone in the Club's history was the election of the first Indian Captain in the persons of Kamal Kumar Mitra in the year 1963. One of the most prestigious clubs in Calcutta, the Royal being the first golf club in India is virtually the founder of the game of golf in the country. Royal has encouraged the local lads working as caddies to become some of the best professionals in the country. Royal has produced the best Amateurs in India. Some of them might have their beginnings elsewhere but they have matured into champions playing their formative years at the Royal.
Royal is essentially a golf club and maintains that character even while affording facilities for other sports like tennis, etc. Today Royal is considered to have one of the finest golf courses anywhere in Asia. Dotted with the famous ponds, the course has seen tremendous improvement over the last few years with redesigning and upgradation in progress. The 72 par course is both inviting and a challenge. The Royal has been the shared venue of the All India Championship since 1958 and has played host to some of golf's all time greats, both Indians and Internationals such as I.S. Malik, H.S. Malik, Major P.G. Sethi, Walter Hagen and Pamela Barton to name but a few.
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